• Green Environment Create Healthy Global

Benefied of Hydrogenator

Posted by Future Green Enviro On 3:37 PM

More Horsepower  The hydrogen cleans up the carbon build-up in your engine, allowing it to run much smoother and more efficiently. Faster burn in the cylinder power stroke can provide a significant increase in the power output of your ICE.

Less Green-House Gases Supplemental hydrogen and oxygen reduces the amount of harmful gases that your vehicle releases into the atmosphere (making it more environmentally friendly).

Increased Gas Mileage  We guarantee a significant reduction in your fuel consumption (from real-world tests and user reports we have received reported mileage increases of 30% to 45%). 

Clean-burning fuels. The following are clean-burning fuels.

  1. Natural gas.
  2. Liquefied natural gas.
  3. Liquefied petroleum gas.
  4. Hydrogen.
  5. Electricity.
  6. Any other fuel that is at least 85% alcohol (any kind) or ether.
Deduction for Clean-Fuel Vehicle Property
The deduction for this property may be claimed regardless of whether or not the property is used in a trade or business.
Clean-fuel vehicle property. Clean-fuel vehicle property is either of the following kinds of property.
Any property installed on a motor vehicle (including installation costs) to enable it to be propelled by a clean-burning fuel.
The property is an engine (or modification of an engine) that can use a clean-burning fuel, or The property is used to store or deliver that fuel to the engine or to exhaust gases from the combustion of that fuel.
For vehicles that may be propelled by both a clean-burning fuel and any other fuel, your deduction is generally the additional cost of permitting the use of the clean-burning fuel.